Tag Archive: Church


I’ve been incredibly neglectful of my blog lately, and quite a bit has happened.  If you’ve followed me on twitter, you probably know the majority of my past few months. If you haven’t followed me on Twitter, here’s the gist:

  • A kiitten fell into my lap!  No, really, it did.  A friend of mine had a litter of kittens, and needed a home, so Mike, the stray roommate we took in, said he’d take one.  When I moved, he came with, because Mike wasn’t around the apartment with Utt and Futt all that much to care for him.  Originally, his name was Gabriel (not my choice, and he isn’t that much of an angel), but I’ve since changed his name to Bolt.  He tries to bolt out doors, and is VERY quick.  Isn’t he precious?  He LOVES this laundry basket!


  • June 27th – Went to see Legally Blonde, the musical, with my friend, Jennifer, who had 2 tickets, and her hubby isn’t so much of a fan of musicals, she thought to invite me.  It was hilarious, I really enjoyed it!  I had no idea musicals could be so good, or funny even.
  • June 28th – Jeremy and I got into an argument, over the ratio of dirty dishes to clean dishes in the kitchen…the kitchen was ALWAYS a mess, and hardly had any clean dishes, and were lucky if we could even use the faucet, they’d be piled so high.  If they were mine, they’d been cleaned, but I didn’t cook in that kitchen much because it was always in a disarray.  Basically, I asked if the kitchen was ever going to be clean, and he said he was “fixin’ to do it”….he’s ALWAYS “fixin'” to do something, but never gets done.  He then told me he wanted me out by the end of the month, and I calmly said “no” which ticked him off, and so he called the cops telling them I was trespassing!  At this point, I’d already lived there over 2 months, and it’s not like I just snuck in the house and have lived there undetected.  I went in my room, waiting for the county sherrif to show up, and prove that I’d established residency.  He then comes in my room, yelling at me, telling me that if I’d asked nicely, maybe he’d do the dishes.  I asked him if he, at the age of 23, really needed to be told to clean up after himself.  He then proceded to grab my duffel bag of dirty clothes, and throw them out the front door.  I, of course, went running after it.  As I was picking up my clothes, I made the comment to Chris, Jeremy’s boyfriend about how he’s got a real winner, which set Jeremy off, and he then began shoving me out the door.  My buddy, James, was outside the door as well, and he and Chris told him to stop, as I’m yelling.  Jeremy stopped, then ran back to my room, and smashed my floor lamp in his rage.  I, then, feeling unsafe, called the cops, myself.  Cops came, and asked me if I wanted them to arrest him.  I felt, ONLY because he didn’t actually hit me, that it wasn’t necessary, but the officers advised I leave for the night, which I did.  Jeremy, being the liar he is, told the cops my lamp was broken from the door swinging open, which was never the case.  Jeremy tried changing the locks previously, and I asked the officers tell him not to change them on me, and they warned him.  The officers stayed until I left, which I was grateful for.  I stayed the night at my good friend, Jennifer’s house, and was grateful she took me in.
  • June 29th – As if I hadn’t already had a rough weekend, it only got worst when i was pulled over by a cop, for expired tags…I passed him only because he was on his cell phone, and figured a man can’t multi-task, and pay attention to my tags at the same time!  He’s an exception, I suppose.  He got me, and decided to mark me down for 2 infractions, instead of just expired tags, which cost me an additional $12.
  • June 30th – found me a new place to move, thought it would be great, living with a couple of girls, back in Bellevue, and pretty cheap.  Put down first months rent that day, needing to get away from the messy living situation I was in.  I was grateful for her taking me in.  The downside was it was only 3 months, because the one girl was getting married, and her and her husband were going to live there.  I didn’t care, just needed to feel safe.
  • July 2nd – MOVING DAY!  Was SO glad to be done with the drama.  Didn’t unpack half of my stuff, knowing it was only a short term lease.  The first weekend there, I thought I was in heaven…the sink was void of any dirty dishes, AND I could hear the vacuum being used!  NEVER would’ve happened at the old place! Continue reading

Bringing You Up To Speed

Since the last time I blogged (seems like forever, really), I have moved out from living with “Joan Crawford“, and now reside with a gay couple (and their cat, let’s not forget the damn cat)!  They are 23 year-old guys, and not all that bad in relation to previous roommates.

Jeremy – The outgoing roommate, former marine, country boy, owns a ghost hunting company

Chris – AKA Sunshine, very quiet, acts like a child, walks around holding his game boy ALL the time

Winslett – The damn cat.  They couldn’t have picked a gayer name if they tried!

Mike – (36) Army dude who moved in with us temporarily, but has now turned into indefinitely. Unemployed, and vehicle doesn’t run. He dated Chris years ago, but only went out a couple of times because Chris played his game boy all through dinner!

Nick – (19) Mike’s boyfriend, who lives in Columbia.  Only had a part-time job. No vehicle

Continue reading

A Tithing Rap

This is a great clip that brings the point home about tithing, in a HILARIOUS way…Enjoy.


Okay, so I’ve REALLY been neglecting my blog, but mostly because I figure most keep up with me on Twitter.  For those of you who may not, here’s a run down of what’s been going on since the holidays:

I started my new job – The new gig was a little rough in the first week, bored to tears in training, but made it out alive.  We’re in the 3rd week now, and it’s getting better.  Today, we got a little gift, which included a little keychain light, a mini first aid kit w/ plastic tweezers and bandaids, a mini calender, a set of crayons (not sure why, we didn’t get a coloring book), and it was all wrapped. Every so often, we get snacks and every Monday, we get free food.  So far, the perks are nice. Getting yelled at by old peeps that can’t remember what prescriptions they ordered blaming you for them running out of their meds…not so fun!  I can’t tell you how many times I heard “you people” and it drives me nuts!  I do like elderly people, so I’ve had some great conversations with some, and they’ll tell you their WHOLE life story, if you let them!  One girl even heard about how a woman’s bladder fell out of her vagina, or so she said…TMI!  And, even though I don’t wanna jinx it, there is some talk of hiring us permanently, so that would be cool.  And I’m assuming they need the help, they’re hiring another class to start next week…quite a few have either left, and one fired in less than 3 weeks!

Champ was put to sleep – yeah, it was his time, so my mother took him to the vet last Tuesday, and Casey apparently is still not quite over it yet…Vet did say it may take a couple weeks to a month, so hopefully, he’ll bounce back soon! May Champ RIP!



My foot – If you’ll remember back, I’ve written about my grossly abnormal feet, and it seems I have done something to aggravate them something fierce…some days, I’d rather have my right foot amputated, certain it’d be less painful!  The bad thing is there’s nothing that can really be done about it.  I’ve been told to get more calcium in my diet, and stay off my feet as much as possible.  I’ve had removable casts, and they help, HOWEVER, lack of insurance makes it a little less than feasible.  In the meantime, it takes me FOREVER to get anywhere…

Church – At CrossPoint, I had the opportunity to help out in the Kidz World last Sunday, and that was great!  As cute as the kids were, my stance on motherhood remains the same lol, but I got a chance to meet some interesting folks, like Lindsay Ferrier (I read her blog from time to time, and her hubby is on WSMV Channel 4 News, which I watch religiously) and Wally from Total Axxess (a great radio show on Christian radio…if you have a chance, listen to him, I GUARANTEE you will laugh), and thought it was neat to see all the people CP attracts.  I enjoyed it so much, I will be doing it on a weekly basis…well, really cuz Wendy asked me 🙂

Small Groups – My small group from TrueLife is going to be studying the book of Esther with Beth Moore, and we watched the introduction last night, I’m REALLY excited to get into it!  It’s a 9 week study, on Tuesday nights, at 6:30, in Pegram, so if you might be interested in joining us for the study, let me know!  Like I said, we are just starting week one now, so it’s not too late!  My small group from CrossPoint is starting up tomorrow night, and I’m excited about that one too, studying a book, not sure the name, but to my knowledge, it’s about Philipians, which should be good.  I found out who my “Sister in Spirit” is, and I’m even more excited…she’s one FABULOUS woman!

Well, I think I summed everything up for now, so I’m gonna head to bed, so I can do the whole work thing again tomorrow!  For some reason, though, I can’t seem to get up before 6am…I sleep through 4 alarms EVERYDAY, and I don’t know why!

Two-Timing is Hard To Do!


I have a dilemma, a commitment issue of sorts!  I am sick of being a two-timing church goer!  It gets exhausting going to two different churches on Sundays and I just don’t know what to do!  I go to Cross Point Community Church, and TrueLife Church

Crosspoint is HUGE compared to Truelife, which was just started about a year ago (I’m not sure we’ve ever hit 40 attendees).  I LOVE meeting new people, so Crosspoint is great for that, but then again, I don’t want to be just another body there, because I haven’t been attending there for that long.  I’ve met some WONDERFUL people, including DebAmanda, and the other ladies in Wendy’s small group, which make me feel less like that, but I really haven’t had much interaction with the ministry there (and I know I’ve been trying to meet Jenni Catron, but I guess I just have bad timing).  At Truelife, because it’s small, I know Pastor Phil and followed him from his previous church, and his wife, Katie, is one of my best friends.  Sadly, it hasn’t been growing in attendance like originally hoped, and as much as I like knowing everyone there, I like the idea of meeting new people, and that doesn’t really offer me that opportunity.  Both churches have good worship music, and leave me with better perspective on my relationship with God, or lack thereof, in some cases.  I just don’t know what to do!  I’d like to pick one, and be able to put more energy into it, but I’m so confused!  Between two services on Sunday’s and various other meetings and bible studies throughout the week, it takes its toll.  I, honestly, two years ago, would’ve NEVER thought this would be an issue because, up until about a year and a half ago, I RARELY even went to church since I was 11 years-old, but I’m learning I’m just too indecisive! 

What should I do, is it wierd be a member of two churches???  I actually haven’t officially become members to either church.  HELP!


This is Dr. Sheila…

We were suite-mates (we shared a bathroom between rooms in the dorms) in college, for 2 years, both had our issues with roommates, and made each other laugh, even when we were afraid we were going to fail a class, or were uncertain about how our decisions would pan out post college, and ended up BFF’s in the process!! She’s now in Chicago, a pharmacist, and I’m trying to get her to move to Nashville, she did like it here, and she’s sick of paying $1300 for rent (can’t say that I blame her)!! I hadn’t seen her since we graduated May of 2006, so it was exciting to meet up!!!!

On Thursday, we went to see this girl perform, and she was amazing, as always! Katie tagged along too, and she’s always an added bonus! Friday, we had a mini barbecue here in the 865 Bellevue complex, and Katie and Sarah joined us, and had a grand ol’ time! We then made an attempt at a dessert…

I was watching the Food Network one day, and they had a company who made chocolate covered frozen bananas, so why couldn’t we???? Well, probably because we don’t have the equipment, but we tried!!!!! They weren’t all that bad, and Sheila loved the sprinkle addition!!!! Next time, we think we’ll fondue it! The next day, we cooked, we made fried eggplant (a personal favorite), marinated chicken (you don’t know what your missing until you’ve had this chicken, promise!), and broccoli…and it was nothing less than fantastic, in my book, and Sheila loved it. She said she didn’t expect to learn to cook, and she said it was so easy. I told her it’s Chef Schmidt style, and I only do easy ha ha!!! I even sent a picture of the food to my mother as proof I do cook, she called laughing!!!!

That day, we went wandering around downtown, I pointed out where Nicole and Keith Urban have a condo, and told her she needs to move there, and I’ll move in with her…she did like the downtown, but she said it’d be at least a year until she changes jobs. I got my fingers crossed!!!! Sunday, she went to church with me, she said she’s not a singer, so she didn’t sing, but she said she enjoyed it, so that was cool!!! We then had our little luncheon afterwards, which Emily and Jason did a fantastic job cooking!!!! Sheila decided to stick around until Monday, which was great! We went to have Chinese over at China Spring, which was pretty good, and went to TCBY, and James, a friend of mine, joined us!!!! We woke up today, she said she wanted some grits, we went to waffle house Friday, and she had loved them then, she offered to pay, so how could I refuse that??  Yes, I can be bought, and it usually doesn’t take much!!!!!  She left earlier today, and it was just a good time for her to come, I’ve just been in a rut, with no job, and what not, and she needed a change of scenery, so it was a great visit!!!!  Thanks Sheila for coming ALL the way from Chicago to visit little ol’ me!!!!

Rebecca Frederick, a friend of mine, from Truelife Church, is amazing, and I thought I’d introduce y’all to her!!! Here’s a couple of songs she sang last Friday @ the Frisky Berry, in Franklin:

She sings Christian and Country Music, and just has an amazing voice!!! She sings every Sunday (unless special circumstances) @ Truelife Church!

Oh, What Fun!

So, tonight, I met up w/ a ladies group from Crosspoint, and I had a great time! They were really welcoming, and just seemed like a great group of women. I, surprisingly, was really kind of nervous going to a stranger’s house, but Wendy was very sweet, and all the women were a barrel of laughs! Wendy brought up the journal of gratitude idea…..I’m so on the ball, I’ve had mine going for the last couple of months 😀 (as you can see on my blog). Just wanted to say what a great little group it is, and I’ll be going back, as long as I don’t happen to land a job that would have me working odd hours lol

I Got Work To Do!

So our sermon today @ Truelife was about prayer, he says a lot of us are doing it all wrong, I must say, I know I am!!!! Phil (the pastor) explained that it’s all about God changing us, not us changing Him, and getting him to do as we ask. I, like a lot of people, have always believed prayer was just speaking with God. He also said people, on average, only pray for 5 minutes a week, he asked what kind of relationship would you have with your spouse if you only talked to them 5 minutes a week??? Heck, I only pray when others are doing it, church and bible study are pretty much it…I’ve been going to church twice on Sunday’s (different churches, of course), but I know it’s not a much better. Even pastors only really pray a little bit more (probably because they have numerous sermons a week to preach 🙂 ) I definitely need to work on it! If you look up prayer, it is defined as: a devout petition to God or an object of worship, a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.  I admit, I don’t know what to say!!!!

Any ideas on what to say, or how to make it a little easier? it seems kind of intimidating. If I were asked to pray in front of a group of people, I wouldn’t know what to say, or would be scared to death that I would say the wrong thing and be humiliated!

Now, for those of you that don’t know, I moved to Nashville 10 days after I graduated college, needing to get out of Michigan, to avoid the family drama surrounding my parents’ divorce, and figured I’d have much better luck finding a job outside of Michigan, being the highest in unemployment. Basically, my motives were to prove to myself I could make it on my own, and felt living near family would not allow me to be as independent as I needed. Why Nashville?? Well, I became obsessed with the Gaylord Opryland resort, wanting to work there, I even was fortunate enough to be able to follow the GM around for a day as a part of a college assignment before I graduated. I thought I made a good impression, he told me to send him a copy of my resume, I did so, and even sent a copy of the paper I wrote on the whole experience, but I got nothing! I applied and kept getting shut down, and since have given up seeing as now I live in Bellevue (whole other side of town). Other reasons I moved to Nashville (I digress, sorry) were that I thought it’d be a cheaper place to live, and with no state income tax, I’d be in good shape, however, I never realized that because it’s a little less to live, employers may pay you less too!!! I also liked the distance, not too far should i want to go home for a visit, but not close enough, I’d end up at home every month.

It’s been exactly 2 years since I moved to Nashville, and some days it makes me wonder if it’s only really been 2 years!!! I feel like I’ve been through so much since I moved here, between my numerous jobs and traffic violations, however, It should be more than 2 years!!!! Growing up, you think by the age of 25, you’re gonna have it all together, and I couldn’t be farther from that, at this point! I never thought I’d be livin’ on my dreams and spaghettio’s in my little apartment just trying to get by!!! The only difference is it’s Ramen and Mac and Cheese!!!! Had someone told me I would have had this much trouble with jobs, when I was back in college, I would have probably laughed, thinking my college education would be extremely desirable, and I would be the ideal candidate!!!!!! Somehow, though, everything has worked out, I’ve had to swallow my pride, a couple of times, and ask Mom and Dad for money, just to make rent, and if nothing else, I’ve learned now that God has a plan, I’m just not liking this part of the journey, and unfortunately, patience isn’t my greatest virtue at this time. I think, though, lately, I’ve been able to accept the fact that the Lord does pretty much make the decisions for my life, and that I’m not completely in control, and that when the time is right, I will find that perfect job, husband, etc…I have found a great church I belong to, and who would’ve thunk me a church goer in college??? NOBODY, I promise you!!

In the 2 years, I’ve made, and, sadly, lost quite a few, as well, due to a myspace blog I posted about having accidentally letting my roommate’s cat out, and may I just state that we cannot confirm the death of the cat, at this point, I did wait for him to come home, and he didn’t. Can’t say that I miss him, but I wouldn’t intentionally throw a cat out of the apartment, unless I was provoked, say, if it bit me, but these cats are quick, I wouldn’t even be able to catch them!!! I’m a dog person, but can co-exist with cats, or so I thought! Either way, I lost friends, or people I thought were my friends, maybe they were looking for anything to get out of it, I don’t know, again, everything happens for a reason, so they just weren’t meant to be in my life for that long, and now, I’m okay with that, and don’t need people like that in my life!!!!! It was interesting, though, the people that did come to my defense in the situation, Gotta love the ones who make the most random things, that have no effect on their lives, whatsoever, all about them!!! Water under the bridge now! i now know who my true friends are, thankfully!

The only thing I wish I hadn’t gone through was the whole escalator mishap, but again, now I know how much medical treatment costs, and will have to be almost dying should I need to go to the ER!!! Needless to say, I need to be careful where I step!

i can’t say that I ever regretted moving here, I have met some interesting people, had some really good times, it’s just been a rough ride, but it could’ve happened anywhere, really!