Tag Archive: tennessee

Looking for a LOSER!

Well, I’ll say it, I have my moments of stupidity…or something just gets the best of me, that I’m so exited, everything I should have done ends up by the waste side.

My attempt to save money (I mean 100’s of dollars, if all went as planned) got the best of me, this time!!!  I’d come across a dude (“Jay” he said) from online, who seemed like a cool dude.  He said his grandfather had passed about a year ago, and he’d inherited a number of properties, spanning from Bowling Green, KY, to Middle Tennessee.  I had mentioned how I was having car problems, and he said the best option would be to actually just get a whole new engine, for my head gasket problem.  He said he could get me a great deal, because he knew a buddy who owned (or managed) a parts company, on an engine for me, and that he knew another guy who just wanted to earn a little extra money, and swap them out for me for $300.  Well, that was going to equal a total of $795, in all, which was MUCH better than the minimum of $1,200 I’d been quoted.  I’d met the dude, after we’d talked, gave him $495 for the engine and fan assembly (right around Labor Day), but still haven’t seen my parts!

I did have a phone number for him, of which, apparently, is no longer his.  Story of my life! 

I’d emailed him, he says the guy who has my parts supposedly called me at least 10 times, during business hours…yet, if a local number called me that many times, I would’ve responded, ESPECIALLY, if they’d dared to leave me a message (which they never did).  He then told me to leave my car, with the keys in it, in a Walmart parking lot, and to wire the guy who was going to fix it half of the $300…I may be foolish, at times, but I am no idiot!  Obviously, I wasn’t falling for that, so he then told me the guy who has the parts will deliver them to me.  Nope, never got them.  He said he was there at a time when my roommate says she was home (I was out of town on Christmas Eve, when he said dude was going to deliver them), but no attempts were made.

Now, my emails are undeliverable!!

What I do know about him (or what he told me):

Name: Jay (Scott, possibly – he said his father is Nick Scott, Jr. from Scott Enterprises.  Looking at their website, he looks far too young to be his father.  When I asked about it, he said the web page was 10 years old.  Then, when I did further research, there was a biography about how this guy has 4 kids…”Jay” said he was an only child.  RED FLAG, I know!)

Occupation:  Has a number of properties he owns around the area, but that he was going to be working for HCA, as a Radiologist of sorts, I think.  When I did email him once, a “Sam Coles” responded back saying she/he was from Century 21, yet I can’t seem to find anything on them, either.

Origins:  “Jay” says he was born and raised in the Erie, PA area.

Health:  Did I mention he happened to say he has lung cancer?  Oh yes, he apparently had a gallbladder removal, which ended up saying he had spots on his lungs, which he said turned out to be cancerous.  He said he would be relocating back to Erie, to stay with his family, because he didn’t know anyone here, for treatments.  Honestly, his text messaging and knowledge about the rental business and things seem to corroborate his stories.  He did show me fresh scars from his procedure.


Here’s a couple of pictures I have:

image (3) image (5)


Bringing You Up To Speed

Since the last time I blogged (seems like forever, really), I have moved out from living with “Joan Crawford“, and now reside with a gay couple (and their cat, let’s not forget the damn cat)!  They are 23 year-old guys, and not all that bad in relation to previous roommates.

Jeremy – The outgoing roommate, former marine, country boy, owns a ghost hunting company

Chris – AKA Sunshine, very quiet, acts like a child, walks around holding his game boy ALL the time

Winslett – The damn cat.  They couldn’t have picked a gayer name if they tried!

Mike – (36) Army dude who moved in with us temporarily, but has now turned into indefinitely. Unemployed, and vehicle doesn’t run. He dated Chris years ago, but only went out a couple of times because Chris played his game boy all through dinner!

Nick – (19) Mike’s boyfriend, who lives in Columbia.  Only had a part-time job. No vehicle

Continue reading


That’s all I can think of when I heard one of my karaoke buddies was shot and killed last night! His name was Ben Goeser, one of the nicest people you could ever meet!  He was always optimistic and just happy to hang out, have a beer, and sing with friends!  I was there when he asked his wife to marry him, and what an event that was!  He was SO excited, as was everyone else.  Here’s a picture of me and the happy couple, not too long after they’d gotten hitched, from my birthday last year:

benikki-and-meBen was a hugger, like a big teddy bear, and always happy to see everyone!  I just can’t believe that an (apparently) unstable man could just walk into a bar and shoot someone.  He apparently was obsessed with Nikki (his wife, the woman in the picture), and even posted this on his myspace blog a day before the murder:

FOREVER UNFORGIVEN! I know who you are,,,! RUN…
When I catch up with you I’m going to write the FN book on cruel…
You haven’t seen my bad side yet MFR but your going to….
Its going to be EXTREAMLY painful!!! where are you going to work that I won’t find you,,,lunch, dinner, supper,, sleep,, every FN waking moment..
I will be on the hunt..Predator and Prey.. Now You Pissed Me Off!!!
What Kind of life do you have now!
I just hope this man gets the help he so desperately needs!  I just wish it hadn’t taken someone dying to realize he had problems.  Nikki’s a tough woman, but she needs all the prayers and support she can get!  So please say a prayer for her and Ben has (I want to say 4) children, and grand babies too!  Just a very tragic event that shouldn’t have happened!
Here’s a clip from the last time I saw him, with the dance they created!
RIP Ben!!!!  You will be missed a great deal!


Okay, so I’ve REALLY been neglecting my blog, but mostly because I figure most keep up with me on Twitter.  For those of you who may not, here’s a run down of what’s been going on since the holidays:

I started my new job – The new gig was a little rough in the first week, bored to tears in training, but made it out alive.  We’re in the 3rd week now, and it’s getting better.  Today, we got a little gift, which included a little keychain light, a mini first aid kit w/ plastic tweezers and bandaids, a mini calender, a set of crayons (not sure why, we didn’t get a coloring book), and it was all wrapped. Every so often, we get snacks and every Monday, we get free food.  So far, the perks are nice. Getting yelled at by old peeps that can’t remember what prescriptions they ordered blaming you for them running out of their meds…not so fun!  I can’t tell you how many times I heard “you people” and it drives me nuts!  I do like elderly people, so I’ve had some great conversations with some, and they’ll tell you their WHOLE life story, if you let them!  One girl even heard about how a woman’s bladder fell out of her vagina, or so she said…TMI!  And, even though I don’t wanna jinx it, there is some talk of hiring us permanently, so that would be cool.  And I’m assuming they need the help, they’re hiring another class to start next week…quite a few have either left, and one fired in less than 3 weeks!

Champ was put to sleep – yeah, it was his time, so my mother took him to the vet last Tuesday, and Casey apparently is still not quite over it yet…Vet did say it may take a couple weeks to a month, so hopefully, he’ll bounce back soon! May Champ RIP!



My foot – If you’ll remember back, I’ve written about my grossly abnormal feet, and it seems I have done something to aggravate them something fierce…some days, I’d rather have my right foot amputated, certain it’d be less painful!  The bad thing is there’s nothing that can really be done about it.  I’ve been told to get more calcium in my diet, and stay off my feet as much as possible.  I’ve had removable casts, and they help, HOWEVER, lack of insurance makes it a little less than feasible.  In the meantime, it takes me FOREVER to get anywhere…

Church – At CrossPoint, I had the opportunity to help out in the Kidz World last Sunday, and that was great!  As cute as the kids were, my stance on motherhood remains the same lol, but I got a chance to meet some interesting folks, like Lindsay Ferrier (I read her blog from time to time, and her hubby is on WSMV Channel 4 News, which I watch religiously) and Wally from Total Axxess (a great radio show on Christian radio…if you have a chance, listen to him, I GUARANTEE you will laugh), and thought it was neat to see all the people CP attracts.  I enjoyed it so much, I will be doing it on a weekly basis…well, really cuz Wendy asked me 🙂

Small Groups – My small group from TrueLife is going to be studying the book of Esther with Beth Moore, and we watched the introduction last night, I’m REALLY excited to get into it!  It’s a 9 week study, on Tuesday nights, at 6:30, in Pegram, so if you might be interested in joining us for the study, let me know!  Like I said, we are just starting week one now, so it’s not too late!  My small group from CrossPoint is starting up tomorrow night, and I’m excited about that one too, studying a book, not sure the name, but to my knowledge, it’s about Philipians, which should be good.  I found out who my “Sister in Spirit” is, and I’m even more excited…she’s one FABULOUS woman!

Well, I think I summed everything up for now, so I’m gonna head to bed, so I can do the whole work thing again tomorrow!  For some reason, though, I can’t seem to get up before 6am…I sleep through 4 alarms EVERYDAY, and I don’t know why!

Driving Pet Peeves

As I have proclaimed in previous posts, I truly beileve I’m one of the best drivers in the state of Tennessee, which if you live here, it really doesn’t take much.  I almost wish I’d realized how horrible drivers are down here prior to my move here 2.5 years ago, because I really think it may have changed things.  My biggest pet peeves while driving include, but are most likely not limited to:

  • broken brake lights – just don’t drive if they’re out, it’s dangerous!
  • failure to use a turn signal!  Seriously, it doesn’t take much to hit the lever!
  • flashing your brights at me, as if mine are on, when, clearly, mine aren’t on! Sorry if I have a newer car, where I can actually see where I’m going (without the brights on) in the dark.  In Michigan, flashing your brights is illegal, why not here?????
  • Drive at least the speed limit if there are cars behind you, and can’t pass you!
  • If you are in the passing lane on the expressway, PASS people!!!!!

I will admit I have some road rage, and when I say some, I’m not quite telling the whole truth!  I don’t act out on my road rage, but my windows have to be up when I drive, and children are not allowed to ride with me, for fear they will learn new words!  Northerners are agressive drivers, and we don’t like putzers…So quit putzin’!!!!

Do you have road rage???  Did I miss any pet peeves you may have?

It Breaks My Heart

I saw this commercial awhile back, and it tugged at my heartstrings:

I just saw on the news how the police broke up a dog fighting ring, and they even found a dead dog, wrapped in a plastic garbage bag, in a freezer!!!!!  WHO DOES THIS!?!?!?!?!?!? Detroit has quite the reputation for dog fighting, and even having possession of paraphernalia relating to it is illegal (not sure if that’s the case in Tennessee or not).  The saddest thing is so many of them have to be euthanized because they’ve been trained to be vicious.  I have two dogs in Michigan, and they couldn’t hurt a fly…it’s just not in their hearts to fight!

And So The Search Continues…

We are now 5 months into the job search, and I’ve been in panic mode for the last 3 of them!  Now, I’m in the freak out stage, where my dad is telling me he can’t keep supporting me, and I still haven’t had any nibbles!  My bank account overdrew, he was supposed to put money in, yet it never made its way in.  Last week, I was dealing with the whole moving fiasco, and as soon as I was back online, I must have sent out 20 resumes and cover letters, and not one phone call!  I’m just so irritated and ready to throw in the towel, with nowhere to turn.  The ony thing is I don’t have anywhere to go.  Michigan isn’t an option, they’ve got higher unemployment rates than Tennesee, and as for living with my mother, NO THANKS!  With the whole country having issues, I feel stuck.  And what kills me is my little brother, 20, who is going to school and working full time, is making more money than I’ve ever made!  He had to drop out of college because of his “depression” and has screwed up way more than me, yet things are going well for him!  I just don’t get it, why am I still going around this mountain??????  I haven’t had an interview in over a week, and I’m assumming I didn’t get that one since I never heard back.  The one the week before that, they said they’d certainly let me know EITHER WAY, and NOTHING!!!!!!  If anyone hears of anybody hiring, where it wouldn’t require me to be on my feet all day, let me know, I have a Bachelor’s Degree and can do anything administrative, and have fantastic customer service skills!