Tag Archive: Friends


I’ve been incredibly neglectful of my blog lately, and quite a bit has happened.  If you’ve followed me on twitter, you probably know the majority of my past few months. If you haven’t followed me on Twitter, here’s the gist:

  • A kiitten fell into my lap!  No, really, it did.  A friend of mine had a litter of kittens, and needed a home, so Mike, the stray roommate we took in, said he’d take one.  When I moved, he came with, because Mike wasn’t around the apartment with Utt and Futt all that much to care for him.  Originally, his name was Gabriel (not my choice, and he isn’t that much of an angel), but I’ve since changed his name to Bolt.  He tries to bolt out doors, and is VERY quick.  Isn’t he precious?  He LOVES this laundry basket!


  • June 27th – Went to see Legally Blonde, the musical, with my friend, Jennifer, who had 2 tickets, and her hubby isn’t so much of a fan of musicals, she thought to invite me.  It was hilarious, I really enjoyed it!  I had no idea musicals could be so good, or funny even.
  • June 28th – Jeremy and I got into an argument, over the ratio of dirty dishes to clean dishes in the kitchen…the kitchen was ALWAYS a mess, and hardly had any clean dishes, and were lucky if we could even use the faucet, they’d be piled so high.  If they were mine, they’d been cleaned, but I didn’t cook in that kitchen much because it was always in a disarray.  Basically, I asked if the kitchen was ever going to be clean, and he said he was “fixin’ to do it”….he’s ALWAYS “fixin'” to do something, but never gets done.  He then told me he wanted me out by the end of the month, and I calmly said “no” which ticked him off, and so he called the cops telling them I was trespassing!  At this point, I’d already lived there over 2 months, and it’s not like I just snuck in the house and have lived there undetected.  I went in my room, waiting for the county sherrif to show up, and prove that I’d established residency.  He then comes in my room, yelling at me, telling me that if I’d asked nicely, maybe he’d do the dishes.  I asked him if he, at the age of 23, really needed to be told to clean up after himself.  He then proceded to grab my duffel bag of dirty clothes, and throw them out the front door.  I, of course, went running after it.  As I was picking up my clothes, I made the comment to Chris, Jeremy’s boyfriend about how he’s got a real winner, which set Jeremy off, and he then began shoving me out the door.  My buddy, James, was outside the door as well, and he and Chris told him to stop, as I’m yelling.  Jeremy stopped, then ran back to my room, and smashed my floor lamp in his rage.  I, then, feeling unsafe, called the cops, myself.  Cops came, and asked me if I wanted them to arrest him.  I felt, ONLY because he didn’t actually hit me, that it wasn’t necessary, but the officers advised I leave for the night, which I did.  Jeremy, being the liar he is, told the cops my lamp was broken from the door swinging open, which was never the case.  Jeremy tried changing the locks previously, and I asked the officers tell him not to change them on me, and they warned him.  The officers stayed until I left, which I was grateful for.  I stayed the night at my good friend, Jennifer’s house, and was grateful she took me in.
  • June 29th – As if I hadn’t already had a rough weekend, it only got worst when i was pulled over by a cop, for expired tags…I passed him only because he was on his cell phone, and figured a man can’t multi-task, and pay attention to my tags at the same time!  He’s an exception, I suppose.  He got me, and decided to mark me down for 2 infractions, instead of just expired tags, which cost me an additional $12.
  • June 30th – found me a new place to move, thought it would be great, living with a couple of girls, back in Bellevue, and pretty cheap.  Put down first months rent that day, needing to get away from the messy living situation I was in.  I was grateful for her taking me in.  The downside was it was only 3 months, because the one girl was getting married, and her and her husband were going to live there.  I didn’t care, just needed to feel safe.
  • July 2nd – MOVING DAY!  Was SO glad to be done with the drama.  Didn’t unpack half of my stuff, knowing it was only a short term lease.  The first weekend there, I thought I was in heaven…the sink was void of any dirty dishes, AND I could hear the vacuum being used!  NEVER would’ve happened at the old place! Continue reading


That’s all I can think of when I heard one of my karaoke buddies was shot and killed last night! His name was Ben Goeser, one of the nicest people you could ever meet!  He was always optimistic and just happy to hang out, have a beer, and sing with friends!  I was there when he asked his wife to marry him, and what an event that was!  He was SO excited, as was everyone else.  Here’s a picture of me and the happy couple, not too long after they’d gotten hitched, from my birthday last year:

benikki-and-meBen was a hugger, like a big teddy bear, and always happy to see everyone!  I just can’t believe that an (apparently) unstable man could just walk into a bar and shoot someone.  He apparently was obsessed with Nikki (his wife, the woman in the picture), and even posted this on his myspace blog a day before the murder:

FOREVER UNFORGIVEN! I know who you are,,,! RUN…
When I catch up with you I’m going to write the FN book on cruel…
You haven’t seen my bad side yet MFR but your going to….
Its going to be EXTREAMLY painful!!! where are you going to work that I won’t find you,,,lunch, dinner, supper,, sleep,, every FN waking moment..
I will be on the hunt..Predator and Prey.. Now You Pissed Me Off!!!
What Kind of life do you have now!
I just hope this man gets the help he so desperately needs!  I just wish it hadn’t taken someone dying to realize he had problems.  Nikki’s a tough woman, but she needs all the prayers and support she can get!  So please say a prayer for her and Ben has (I want to say 4) children, and grand babies too!  Just a very tragic event that shouldn’t have happened!
Here’s a clip from the last time I saw him, with the dance they created!
RIP Ben!!!!  You will be missed a great deal!

On My Way To THIRTY!!!

My WONDERFUL friend pointed out that I’m SO close to 30, and I just can’t believe it!  I thought I would’ve had my life in order, married, and dare I say it (when I was younger, and wanted kids), I thought I’d have kids!  And where do I stand??  0 for 3!  And I’m just not liking the number 26…can’t pinpoint why, it just bugs me, it’s a weird number!  Well, my birthday was on February 3rd, a Tuesday, which makes it hard to do anything until the weekend, but it was still a good day…it was MY day.  My mother was funny, she wanted to make sure she was THE FIRST to tell me Happy Birthday, so she called me Monday night to tell me.  I had to remind her (even after having birthed me, she has her flaky moments, and it wouldn’t be THAT far fetched had she been off a day) it was the day after.  She then called me @ 7am, the next morning to wish me a happy birthday again.   On Thursday, my small women’s group celebrated my b-day, Holly got me a cake and ice cream, which was REALLY sweet!  On Friday, my friend, Sarah, came to town (with her mother), so James, Sarah (AND her mother, who happens to be almost 70 and not all there) and I went to dinner at O’Charley’s, and had a nice visit.  Saturday night was my favorite though, we had a girl’s night out, which included a FANTASTIC dinner at J. Alexander’s.  My friend, Emily, even got me some orange daisies, and brought them to the restaurant before I got there (because she had to work), so it was really thoughtful, I felt loved!  Wendy got me a copy of TWILIGHT, but she swears she’s not trying to convert the rest of the world into the crazy phenomona!  She says by the 2nd page, I’ll be hooked…doubt it, but I’ll open it when I get a chance.  On top of the cake and ice cream, Holly threw in a nice notebook (great for our bible study) and the triple chocolate M&M’s, which I haven’t opened yet, but will! After dinner, we then headed to the movie theater, with the intention of seeing “He’s Just Not That Into You”, but it had sold out right after I had my ticket, so we ended up seeing “New In Town”, which was a really cute movie.  It was a great night, and it’s nice to know I’m surrounded by such good women and friends!  I am up for celebrating my birthday still, so if you’d like to get together, lemme know 😉  For all those who wished me a happy birthday, THANK YOU!

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff!

I received this in my inbox today, and thought it was worth sharing:

(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would
Go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the ‘good’ living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day
Because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television
And more while watching life.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,

Wouldn’t show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy,
I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment
Growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, ‘Later.
Now go get washed up for dinner.’ There would have been more ‘I love you’s’ More ‘I’m sorry’s.’

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute.look at it and really see it . Live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!

Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you, who has more, or who’s doing what
Instead, let’s cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

She’s Moving South!

My best friend/suite-mate from college, Sheila, is moving to Louisville today, and I’m really excited!  She’s been living in Chicago, paying WAY too much in rent, and decided she wanted to be closer to ME! Not really, but I believe what I want anyways. 🙂  I’m just glad she’s only gonna be 3 hours away, and then maybe, JUST MAYBE, our friends from college will venture south to visit, because EVERYONE just LOVES Sheila!!!! If not, hopefully, I’ll be able to attend Dan and Brenda’s wedding in March, where the majority, if not all, will be in attendence.

The Value of a Smile

I’m reading How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, and found this excerpt he took from a department store’s advertisement.  I know it’s a tad early to be thinking about Christmas, but if you check out HIS blog, stores are already in full swing!  It’s just a good thing to remember ANY time of year, really!

The Value of a Smile at Christmas

I wanted to share this – I thought it so fitting for the season – and so true.
A smile costs nothing, but creates much.

It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich they can get along without it, and none are so poor but are richer for its benefits.

It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.

And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours?

For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!

A Good Visitor

I found this woman’s blog, and she had, what I thought was, a GREAT idea…The Good Visitor poster.

Here is the one I made up, having used her approach, I just tweeked it a bit (I can’t seem to post the actual document properly, but this is what it would say):


When a good visitor comes to my home, I am grateful

A good visitor blesses me with…

  • True friendship
  • Quality conversation
  • Appreciation for my company
  • Acceptance of my hospitality and gifts
  • A good visitor cleans up after themselves

The only thing a good visitor leaves behind is happiness,

and for that, I am truly thankful


I’m just sick of my friends (not all, but a couple) coming over and just leaving a mess, so rather than me having to get after them, I figured this would be a nice subtle reminder. I’d put it in a little frame, and put it near the door, so you can’t miss it when you walk in! What do you think??? Do you think it’d be a good reminder???

Careful Who Your “Friends” Are

I saw something this afternoon that kind of irked me, especially because I’m currently in the job market.  Apparently employers are now using Facebook as a way of checking up on their applicants.  Companies have contacted applicant’s friends as references, and will judge people based on what their “friends” say.  I, for one, am not defined by who I am friends with, I mean, to a point I guess that I am, but if they may have a risque picture, that is them, not me!  I have a bunch of “friends” on facebook, but I don’t even know many of them because we became friends over a silly game on there, or there are friends that I may have known in college, but we weren’t really friends outside of classes.  It just seems like a sneaky way to screen people.  Yes, I am aware that when you put something online, it is out there for the world to see, but judge my work ethic and skills on me, my resume, and information I give you, NOTHING ELSE!  I’m not saying I have said or done anything online that could be bad, but should I stop blogging because of the chance that they might find it and make assumptions about me???   The only way they can find me is if they google “Christina Schmidt Nashville”, and my facebook and blog pop right up at the top, but if they leave the Nashville out, they’ll come across an actress, which dominates the majority of results.  I know, on Craigslist, I’ve seen people looking to hire people who specifically have a facebook account, and go to Vanderbilt, presumably to screen Vandy students, but I just never thought they’d actually contact your friends as references!

The A to Z of Me

A. Attached or single? Single

B. Best Friend? Sheila

C. Cake or pie? Cake

D. Day of Choice? Tuesday

E. Essential Item? cell phone, feel naked without it

F. Favourite Color? I like purples, pinks, and teals

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears

H. Hometown? Grand Blanc, Michigan

I. Favourite Indulgance? Chocolate

J. January or July. July

K. Kids? nope, MAYBE at some point in my life, but not anytime soon, gotta get a husband first 🙂

L. Life isn’t complete without? My friends and family

M. Marriage Date? Wouldn’t know, but there better be plenty of them when I am married (even if they’re really low-key)

N. Numbers of brothers and sisters. One younger brother

O. Orange or Apples? Apples

P. Phobias? Snakes

Q. Quotes? I like these

R. Reasons to smile? the fact I’m alive…better than the alternative

S. Season of choice? Fall

T. Tag 5 People? Whoever wants to!

U. Unknown fact about me? Here’s a few

V. Vegetable? Brussel Sprouts

W. Worst Habit? I swear

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Neither

Y. Your favourite food? Chinese and Mexican

Z. Zodiac Sign? Aquarius

What Have I Become?????

I took a career test that hit the nail perfectly on the head, and I don’t like what it says! But it did say I’d make a good flight attendant, which is right up my alley for what I went to school for. I just never thought I’d get a reality check from a career test!

Here’s what it told me:

These are action-oriented people, often sophisticated, sometimes ruthless — our “James Bonds.” As mates, they are exciting and charming, but they have trouble with commitment. They make good promoters, entrepreneurs, and con artists. 13% of the total population.

Owing to their drive for excitement, ESTP’s are often unaware of the long-term consequences of their actions. Not understanding the far reaching implications of their behaviors, ESTP’s often find themselves at odds with friends, colleagues, and employers. A quick fix mentality and strong improvisational skills cannot always compensate for the long-term disappointments resulting from shortsighted planning. ESTP’s are tough-minded and may appear insensitive when resourceful shortcuts fail to impress a taskmaster. They can quickly become defiant. Those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of an ESTP’s anger or retaliation may soon find that they have a tiger by the tail. If they lose the opportunity to act freely on their impulses, ESTP’s abuse rules and regulations laid down by others in an attempt to regain a sense of excitement.

If confinement continues, an ESTP’s stress increases. They feel empty and hollow inside, as if dead to the world. Their first impulse is to seek revenge by mocking other people’s values. They become increasingly anti-social and ridicule others with startling displays of disdainful behavior. By causing a scene, ESTP’s rejuvenate their fading spirits and at the same time punish their oppressors. Like all SP’s under stress, ESTP’s get even by undoing the barriers to freedom, especially though gaining the trust and cooperation of others.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality… this happens all the time…and sometimes works out quite well.

real estate broker
land developer
physical therapist
stock broker
news reporter
fire fighter
budget analyst
insurance agent
management consultant
franchise owner
electrical engineer
aircraft mechanic
technical trainer
EEG technologist
radiological technician
emergency medical tech.
corrections officer
flight attendant

Take the test (it’s not that long), and see how accurate it is. My friend, Sarah, and I both took the test, and pinpointed us both!